Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, I usually lurk, so I only retain "gists." This logic is incorrect. ZZZQuil (It’s Nyquil without the medicine-- awesome! For reference: My name is Grace, I’m a female, 5’7, 130 lbs. The Adderall wasn’t really for my ADHD. Since then, I’ve learned to become responsible and say no to people when I’m unsure of whether I can handle the workload or not. How to Increase Your Stimulant’s Potency/Maximize It: Don’t eat or drink anything acidic before taking it. :((By the way, if you want more information then a good place to start is to google 'adhd types', which will bring up sites like WebMD explaining the types which are: combined, primarily inattentive, and primarily hyperactive-impulsive. You have to be a genuine ADHD or narcolepsy patient to request your doctor of prescribing Amphetamine drugs. You can take tolerance breaks- some people recommend taking weekends off, others say to take days off in between the days you take it. Ok, so sometimes the order of comments on r/ confuses the shit outta me, and this is a great example! A mixture of various amphetamine salts, adderall is a stimulant. If you need a big tolerance break to reset your system, you can take a week or more off. it was very informative, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Great guide! I’ve experienced withdrawal only once in my entire Adderall career (which is so many years that I can’t count). This is anecdotal, and you should always talk to your prescribing specialist. Personally, I take it on an empty stomach. I drink red wine and it knocks me out. While microdosing can reset tolerance far quicker than breaks do, it is unhealthy and poses many potential health risks. This is not considered microdosing-- microdosing is taking <3mg for a consecutive number of days before taking a larger dosage. adderall prescribed to people with adhd or add is to affect them with focus. The reason for this is that while on stimulants, you can easily get distracted and do something for the entire duration of your peak. There is a great chance that withdrawal will make you extremely irritable-- be mindful of this and plan your days accordingly, Drink a lot of water (consider drinking a gallon a day), Be comfortable (in bed, on your couch, fav sweatpants on, etc). I've heard some of them before! Adderall works for four to six hours. If that ain't the most ADHD thing I've ever done I don't know what is. The risk is 10/10, but the benefit is 10/10. I hope this helped you! I want everyone else to see this, I'll add it into my original post with your username :). I found giving my body a break on the weekends helps. The ideal dosage of Adderall or another ADHD medications is identified using a method called titration: carefully increasing the dosage over time, until noticeable benefits are achieved and side effects are kept to a minimum. As weird as it is, I never once experienced any feelings that can be described as euphoric. Edit #3: Woah my first Reddit gold! Figuring out what’s best for you is a matter of trial and error. They’re super easy to get down and also gain help with your goals. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. (Not accounting for biological differences, just in theory) • any tips for maximizing the benefits of this medication? I’ve been taking ADHD stimulants for many years, thus I decided it was about time to compile all of my extensive knowledge and create a potentially helpful guide for other users. Avid coffee drinkers tend to have no issue with drinking a cup of coffee with their stims, but it can be potentially dangerous to the heart. My anxiety for my upcoming finals has been relinquished, and I’m finding joy in the ability to crush boring tasks. Take a magnesium supplement in the morning; many have claimed this has done wonders for them. users here say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. An acidic stomach decreases the potency of Adderall. and topics directly related to them. I take 20mg Adderall IR 2X a day. If I take adderall, do I need to account for the increased metabolism by eating more? In ADHD patients, Adderall is used to increase concentration and to decrease impulsiveness by boosting the brain’s available supply of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine 1.This increases brain activity in a way that’s likely to cause most people who don’t have ADHD to feel agitated or jittery. Ciggs and vapes eventually sap your natural energy and you feel you need more adds. It’s an addicting feeling, but if you need it everyday/the majority of the week for ADHD then you’ll just have to cut your losses. That is why taking Tums/Zantac before your medication makes it stronger. Prescription sleep aids like Trazodone or Ambien. It is used for the treatment of Attention -Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Trial and error. Many patients of ADHD get misdiagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and hence, are given Lithium or other popular antidepressants such as Prozac which doesn’t do much for their symptoms. The high metabolism and low appetite is why people use it (legally and illegally depending where you are) as an incredibly effective but terribly unhealthy weight loss supplement. Eat even if you have to force yourself to. The first half is a normal adderall pill. I'm actually glad that's the case. The second half is also a normal adderall, but on a four-hour delay. Press J to jump to the feed. Stay hydrated! If you’re on your phone when it hits, expect to be on your phone the entire time. Exercise- helps an incredible amount to get the Adderall out of your system, Drink coffee (if it’s early enough for you), Alcohol (people tend to like beer for a comedown, I prefer wine). Others recommend boofing, or plugging, aka putting it up your butt. Men with ADHD were also more likely to have attempted suicide compared to men without ADHD (9% vs. 2%) Because ADHD is more common among men than among women, little research or clinical attention has focused on women with the disorder. If you take too much, you will become geeked. Thank you for putting it all together in such a comprehensive way! I had no idea that it stripped your gut biome. I don’t get distracted by random impulses to look something up and get sucked down a hyper focus wormhole. Not only will it help you to perform, focus, and think better, it’s also like the “chew the same flavor gum while studying and taking the test” psychology. I feel like if I would have seen this before I started Vyvanse I would have been so much better prepared. Adderall is a prescription medication that consists of a combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. A lot of people have a few beers to put them to sleep. It kicks in at different times for everyone, so be aware of how long it takes for your stimulant to kick in. Adderall breaks down in your stomach and is absorbed within your stomach. I would refrain from doing the “baking soda” trick because it can easily upset your stomach. I take 20mg Adderall IR x2 a day, but I have to take 25-30mg x2 a day when my hormones fluctuate. Definitely miss it, wish I didn't crave it. Again, if there is anything else you can think of, share your knowledge! A $3 purchase worked better than all the water reminder apps, phone alarms, and mental discipline tricks I ever tried. Protein shakes give you an incredible amount of nutrition and keep you full for a long time. *, For occasional users, do not take too much. Reading your post about taking another pill/capsule sometime during the day is something i’d like to try. All I need is to be able to control my focus, and it still allows me to do that. Treating ADHD with Adderall was approved by the FDA in 1996. Also, when you take it, drink meal replacement protein shakes. Adderall is considered a first-choice treatment option for ADHD. Thanks for adding! I like to have a little ADHD in the background to retain my personality. For ADHD: Adderall is literally the only THING Period that I have tried that has improved my life in the slightest (I have ADD/Treatment-Resistant Depression ) - I got my Bachelors degree in Health & Psychology, I tried EVERY supplement herb, nootropic, etc. So now I take an xr at 8 in the morning until about 2-3 pm. It helps in improving or reducing the symptoms of ADHD or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Then I take another or at 2-3pm and one more at about 6-7. The dosage is divided throughout the day. For ADHD, the immediate-release dosage for adults is between 5 mg to 40 mg a day. Anyone will tell you. I second this notion. Questions •should I expect this to last? Disclaimer: Do not take Tums all the time to potentiate your stimulant-- it can result in excess Calcium. (Alcohol) but what works, works for some people I guess. However, Adderall stays active in your body longer than Ritalin does. Yet it’s hard to tell whether one of these drugs works better than the other. Research suggest, that it is not a few positive Testreports regarding cbd pills vs adderall for adhd reddit are. I like it. Do this occasionally for tolerance, as consistent use of Tums can result in excess Calcium. It has not been studied in children under the age of 6. Stims increase your need for sleep and decrease your perceived need for sleep. If you do, chew tums or a zantac 30 minutes before you take your pill. I’ve been curious if people have found certain things to maximize the benefits of this medication. I’m trying to gain weight and muscle, my maintenance calorie intake is 2500 and I’m eating about 3000 now because I’m skinny. I talked to my pnp about all of this before doing it. I speak from my own experience as well as others. Anyone will tell you. Life changing. Good luck!! Refrain from microdosing. The vast majority of people who are new to Adderall or are occasional users experience the euphoria. Adderall and Ritalin are common ADHD drugs with very different impacts on the brain. I moved back home from college right as my classes got so much harder, and they’re so uninteresting, so I began to absolutely panic. Enjoy! You obviously do not understand how many years of school I’ve been through? Rock on dude thanks for posting, I had no idea orange juice impacted the high and a few other key points to keep me blazzzin thanks ! If you can’t sleep for a few hours, distract yourself with something to do. Adderall XR is also biphasic, which means it's actually two pills in one. If you have benzos (Xanax, Klonopin), those can help. As I learned more and more about it, the symptoms seemed to get exponentially worse within a matter of weeks, however I think that’s because I could identify what was happening in my brain and would get pissed off knowing that it shouldn’t have to be this way, leading me to tap out earlier instead of coping like I have all my life. Obligatory disclaimer: Not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. Adderall may help increase attention and decrease impulsiveness and hyperactivity in patients with ADHD. and topics directly related to them. In turn, I had a terrible depressive weekend where I constantly felt like shit. I need to remember to link later, but a few gists I remember: -Take with vitamin B complex -Vitamin D inhibits absorption -Adds strip you of potassium and healthy bacteria in your GI tract (amongst other things), eat fermented foods -particulaly when cycling off, and beets have a ton of good stuff to replenish you. It increases your metabolism overall. It's the fucking THING that causes 70% of the issues with amphetamines. I realized I might not be able to cope with this perfect storm of an environment change/habit disruption, challenge of boring ass classes and home distractions. Disclaimer- I am not a doctor, I am merely speaking from my own experience and the experience of others… and the mass amount information on Reddit (I've used almost all of it in my time). You’re wrong. I’ve got a question, do you know if adderall increases the number of calories that I burn in a day? Is this something you can be on forever? Tolerance can build very quickly, but at a therapeutic dosage your body eventually gets accustomed to the drug and will therefore affect you the same everyday. I needed to do 10 papers in a week so I had a lot of sleepless nights on Adderall and using it consistently and at a very high dosage to get all of the work done. By that I mean, you may feel super focused, but you will retain none of the information you studied, even with re-reading, making flash cards, using pretty highlighters. An acidic stomach decreases the potency of Adderall. (Side note: This is unbiased-- if I could microdose without reaping the negatives, I would). -I can't emphasize enough the importance of heathly bacteria in your gut- mood, effectiveness of adds, preventing neurological diseases, and on. My dad and sister also have it, diagnosed. Been on it for a week, and it tapered off in intensity, but still amazingly effective. To get the euphoria back: long tolerance breaks. Thanks for sharing! Sleep. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, but I recommend that occasional users should start at 10mg of IR or 20mg of XR.*. How so? Period. Hey these are some awesome points! Again, you can take Tums or Zantac to reduce the acid in your stomach. Forms and dosing. Doing so works for the majority of people, but some find that taking it on an empty stomach makes them feel like a “zombie”. Adderall may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. So it's only a little smoother than taking one adderall IR now, and then exactly four hours later popping a second adderall IR. I bought a sparkly shiny water bottle. But can we talk about how many MG’s you were on when you wrote this?! Adderall and Vyvanse are both effective in improving ADHD symptoms. Weekly threads to plan and notice the positive in our lives. Good stuff here! Questions I’m still wondering about, though, is, should I expect this to last? And she monitored my health frequently for a month. Have I already reached a plateau, or is it common for it to steadily decrease in its effect? The euphoria occurs when you're on a particularly higher dosage and your body hasn't adjusted. Thanks y’all, this community has been really helpful in my very very new journey of discovering all the ways this has impacted my life and dealing with it. Again, it would depend on individual biology, I’m more asking hypothetically could someone be on this forever. My Complete Guide for Adderall/ADHD Stimulants, Preface: It took me a long time to make this, thus I hope it will be useful for everyone in the ADHD stimulant community! My focus is something I can CONTROL now! That being said, consider talking to your doctor about increasing your dosage temporarily while you’re experiencing PMS and/or your period. r/adderall: A Subreddit for discussing prescription psychostimulants (Adderall, Vyvanse, Focalin, Ritalin, etc.) How it happened: I’m a ghost writer, aka I write papers for university students, mostly in my university. Is there anything you’d recommend I’d do to help the medication work best? Adderall XR for me last anywhere from 8-12 hours, if it wears off the medical professional in most cases will add Adderall IR to take in the afternoon, since upping the dose of XR will not increase duration only the intensity of the medication itself. Never done it, don’t even want to get into it. A place where people with ADHD and their loved ones can interact with each other exchanging stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. I can actually sit down and complete a task, even if it’s boring, and see it through til the very end. *The reason I say to not take too much is because while some people think that more stimulant=more smart. Disclaimer- I am not a doctor, I am merely speaking from my own experience and the experience of others. Explaining is not my forte. thank you for your post. How already addressed, based CBD pills vs adderall for adhd reddit only on Components, the natural, carefully selected and well tolerated are. Annoying af. Anyways, I take the next-lower dose of Adderall XR. Adderall is known to be helpful for people with ADHD. Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant prescription medicine. What are the amounts of those supplements? For example, mine typically takes 45 minutes to fully kick in, so I start doing whatever I need to be doing 30 minutes after I take it-- even if I can't focus, even if I’m bored to death. Adderall is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Adderall ir only really gives me like 3 hours of focus and adderall xr only bumps it up to maybe 5-6 hours. Ffs. A bit of caffeine. From personal experience, your dosage and your medicine’s release time can affect whether you experience a comedown and/or the degree of your comedown. Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine are central nervous system stimulants that affect chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control. I've read some studys saying alcohol can have mental and physical health benefits. I dunno why I'm saying this haha but yeah, there ya go, That’s what I’m doing this weekend too, definitely more aware of how my brain works after a week of adderall lol. Adderall is an amphetamine, which generally makes people energetic.However, it has a calming effect for people with ADHD. Lol definitely on adderall when you made this. Search it on Reddit. Doctors will usually start an Adderall dosage at the smallest amount that may potentially work and then gradually increase it. Most people who take medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) take a drug called a stimulant. Literally look it up. -Grace. My personal experience with ADHD and Stimulants- aka "Adderall" It's starting to become a real meme about Joe and his viewpoints on Adderal, and I'd like to take a minute to share my own personal experience with this topic. Depending on the person, this goes away within a few days to a week. That is why taking Tums/Zantac before your medication makes it stronger. Take the same amount you took when you were studying. The first day, its effects were far from subtle, but now I it affects me perfectly. Don’t get frustrated if you can’t sleep-- life happens. That thought scares me... no matter what I do to cope, I adderall has seemed to go straight to the root of the problem and I don’t know how capable I truly am of being successful just raw dogging it. Definitely miss the euphoria, don’t miss the crash, lol. Little backstory: I’m a freshman in college, and I recently got hyperfixated on ADHD in general, and realized 100% without a doubt that I had it. In this study, women with ADHD had more than twice the odds of suicide attempts compared to men with ADHD. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. when having adhd and/or add and taking adderall you become not exactly calm but not as "up" as usual. Staying hydrated also helps with tolerance and comedowns. Ritalin works sooner and reaches peak performance more quickly than Adderall does. Here, get critical information on this popular ADD treatment and its common usage guidelines, noted side effects, and typical benefits. Tldr: not diagnosed with ADHD yet so our family doc prescribed me with 20mg Adderall XR until I get diagnosed. People do this with MDMA a few days before raves-- to make their trip when they’re actually at the rave even greater. Stimulants dehydrate the body at a rapid rate. I don’t forget why I walk into a room 100 times a day. It’s a matter of your state of mind-- and the results of this theory have proven that taking the test in the same state of mind as an individual studied in produce the optimal outcome. Over a million (!!!) These are just some of the street names used for Adderall.. This calming effect can make some people sleepy. Literally look it up. I’ve heard a lot of people recommend parachuting the pill-- this works best if you have IR form; if you have XR, you can crush the beads of your XR pill; be mindful of the fact that when you crush your XR beads up into IR, you are getting double your normal dosage at one time. Of days before taking a larger dosage next-lower dose of adderall XR until I get a bit of anxiety peak! Been through weekend where I constantly felt like shit had no idea that it stripped your biome! Just wondering what y ’ all ’ s hard to tell whether one of these works... If I take 20mg adderall XR until I get a bit of anxiety during peak on Mondays matter... About long term health effects protein shakes- Liquids are easier to get the adderall wasn ’ get... Microdose without reaping the negatives, I never once experienced any feelings that can be as! 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Do you know if adderall increases the number of days before taking it it... Can be described as euphoric but whomever said that you were studying genuine.