As adults, painted turtles like eating vegetables, such as carrots, sweet potatoes and green beans. And the answer is yes, however, in moderation. If you do not see any issues, continue to feed them in moderation. Some even become notoriously fussy and picky with their food in the hope for more banana as they would rather this treat than their other feed. Yes, bananas are extremely healthy, and they are safe to feed your turtles. As a turtle owner, I always look for different kinds of foods to feed my turtles. But, is the banana healthy food for a red-eared slider? Pet Educate strives to be the definitive online resource to help you learn everything that you need to know. When turtles live in the wild, they eat whatever they can find. However, bananas should be only 10 percent of their overall diet. However, bananas should be only 10 percent of their overall diet. Tortoises can eat bananas and not directly die from eating them. Help keep meat juicy: this works best for chicken breast, before preparing it in a casserole or baking it. Baby turtles usually prefer eating more meaty food, however, older turtles will happily accept fruits and vegetables. Banana peels may carry toxic chemicals that can harm your turtle. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'aquaticpals_com-box-3','ezslot_8',104,'0','0'])); Excellent question if you ask me. Always control the situation. There are places in the world exactly where they eat bananas skin on regular basis… and in some cultures banana peels are fried like a treat. Box turtles should eat about 50% animal proteins, and 50% plants (including 75% veggies and 25% fruits). 6. Normally after the banana peel is remove it is discarded and hopefully composited. Is it positive or negative? Now let’s explain everything in more depth and see that even though they are not recommended, bananas can have a positive impact on the turtle’s health, as well.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'aquaticpals_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',105,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'aquaticpals_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_11',105,'0','1'])); The banana is a fruit with high nutritional value. Feed them only on some occasions. Banana peels can do wonders in the garden. In India, the peel of raw banana is cooked and served along with rice. This fruit can be a tasty treat for your turtle to consume occasionally. Subscribe for more turtle videos! It also depends if the turtle shows any desire to consume banana. You can use banana peels to polish your houseplants. There are the danios in one tank, the betta in another, and the bala shark. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Be sure to peel bananas or other fruits with thick skins, but apples or pears can be sliced with the skin intact. #3. You shouldn't feed too much fruit as it upsets their gut flora, also cabbage is a no-no. it really is why many cooks and culinary roles many times use the technique of "zesting", the position they shave off little products of the peel or pores and skin and upload it … Some of the several health-related problems bananas can cause is a bloated stomach, diarrhea, and other digestive complications. Most banana peels end up in the trash, but nutrients found in the skin can help your stomach. for most end result, the peels are the most nutritious component to the finished aspect. Turtles can eat bananas. Firstly, you need to understand that you can give your turtle bananas only on some occasions, and not replace their main diet with it. We will help answer any questions that you may have and provide as much information and research that we can to help you take the best care of your pet. It is also recommended to refrain from giving the banana peel to your turtles. Turtles can eat bananas. Yes, bananas are extremely healthy, and they are safe to feed your turtles. Citrus (lemons, grapefruit, oranges, limes)- Calcium and D3 is hugely important for turtles and is essential to support their growth and strengthen their shell. While this is naturally occurring and can provide energy, it will be an issue in excess. For a land turtle, 80% of your turtles daily diet should consist of fresh vegetables. Attracting birds: birds love the sweet taste of bananas.Leave a peel on your windowsill, garden, balcony, or any other place the birds can … (This one on Amazon comes highly recommended by various turtle owners). Just make sure that you only feed organic peel to your iguana however. Bananas being one of them. Oranges provide vitamin C, some carbohydrates, and a zesty flavor that koi really seem to enjoy, and can be cut in half or in smaller pieces and place directly in the pond but the peels will need to be removed later. You can find amazing Indian recipes that use banana peels. Feed them only on some occasions. Or any other fruit, in particular. Experts recommend that you should also provide a powdered calcium and vitamin D3 supplement to their diet. No Banana Peels . Can turtles eat bananas? They make great treats and have so many health benefits. In 2011 alone over 145 million tonnes of bananas were produced and consumed by customers all around the world. [The Shocking Truth You Might Not Believe], Do Guinea Pigs Smell? Yes, absolutely! Monitor how your turtle reacts to bananas and other fruits. The Bottom Line is: Can ferrets Really Eat Bananas? Each has been scientifically formulated to meet the dietary requirements of aquatic turtles at each of their life stages. The banana skin is even healthy for cavies. Fruit kept in your pantry -- fresh bananas, pears or apples-- are not only acceptable for emergency meals; they are suitable components of your turtle's maintenance diet. It is also recommended to refrain from giving the banana peel to your turtles. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Bananas have high nutritional values and feeding your turtle with them can have positive effects on their overall health. But, bananas? Aside from the potassium, a medium sized banana has 3.1 grams of fiber, high levels of vitamin C and B6 and a good amount of magnesium. Bananas are one of the most popular fruits to be eaten across the globe. Secondly, observe the turtle while eating a banana. Banana peels to polish your houseplants. The same principle applies to all aquatic turtles. This can be harmful, especially if kept up for many years. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to. Bananas should consist of only 10 percent of the turtle overall diet. People have tried feeding their turtles with different types of foods. You may even get some insights into your own individual turtle and its specific needs. Did you know it actually takes two years for your banana skin to … Brew Banana Tea. Your email address will not be published. Pellets, Vegetables, Insects should be included too. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. It is useful for indoor plants, such as croton, ficus, calanthes, palms, etc. Are there changes in behavior patterns, energy, hunger or bowel movements? That was the short answer. Feed them more meaty foods when they are younger, vegetables, and fruits as adults, including additional supplements. Ways to Eat Banana Peels. Wait until your turtle is at least 6-12 months old before you introduce potentially challenging foods. Finally, you’ll want to monitor how your turtle responds to the banana. It needs to be chopped into very small pieces that is small enough for the gerbil to hold on to with their tiny paws. It is easy to overfeed your turtle sugar if you are providing them with a variety of fruits within their diet. Read about 23 uses of banana peels for skin care, hair health, teeth whitening, household cleaning, first aid, gardening, and eating. Clean the dust or debris from the soft fleshy part of the peel to the houseplant, so that your plant looks healthy and beautiful. That being said, for the most part you can typically feed turtles bananas a couple of times a week in moderation. Banana peel is only safe for hamsters to eat if it’s organic, or if you’ve scrubbed it very well to remove toxic residue. Banana Peel Nutrition. Bananas are a potassium rich food. They should take all the necessary and essential nutrients they need. The Hatchling formula is higher in protein to accommodate the rapid growth rates of hatchling and juvenile aquatic turtles. Personally I would stick to weeds and top op as and when with floretti, I would very rarely give fruit/veg as it's not a natural diet for them and it was feeding them that kind of stuff in the 70s/80s/90s that led to premature death, pyramiding etc. However, bananas should be given to turtles in moderation, and should never constitute more than 5-10% of their overall diet. While banana peels are not toxic to your ferret, they are very difficult to digest and can lead to gastrointestinal problems such as a blockage, which can be very dangerous. But, what about turtles? Here are the 14 Banana Peel Uses you should know about! Eat Them. Even though the banana can serve as a wholesome treat, you do not need to watch how much you feed your turtle. Banana Peel on a backboard The Growth and Maintenance formulas meet the dietary requirements of growing and adult aquatic turtles. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'aquaticpals_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',108,'0','0'])); Painted turtles have a similar diet as the red-eared slider turtles. With all this being said, bananas (and other fruits) should only make up 10-20% of your overall iguanas diet. That was the short answer. This will of course require some small feedings and to see how they respond and react. They make great treats and have so many health benefits. They decompose quickly, so simply cut them up and add them to the planting hole for tomatoes or peppers. Just be sure to monitor how your turtle responds to each one.   It's soft, sweet flesh is almost irresistible for many of our feathered friends, and as a bonus, the peel can make a fun toy for your bird while providing important foraging activity as well! Yes, but only in a very small amount and nothing more than that. Red-eared sliders are popular pets all across the world. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Which means they can cause health problems if turtles eat them frequently. However, one question arises among many others. Is it Dangerous? The banana peel helps in removing warts and eliminates the occurrence of new ones. You’ll help the environment. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'aquaticpals_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',109,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'aquaticpals_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_3',109,'0','1'])); As you have seen turtles can eat bananas. Bananas are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and natural sugars. Baby turtles usually prefer eating more meaty food, however, older turtles will happily accept fruits and vegetables. One final note on bananas: Do not feed ferrets banana peels. Many humans also follow suit, although here in North America, most of us toss banana peels out. The information, content and material contained on the site is intended to be of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute professional/medical advice. Banana peels are one of those things that goes straight in the bin, it’s just one of those byproducts that most of us have no use for, even if Americans consume around 3.2 billion pounds of banana every year.. You can feed them Kale, Spinach and Mustard Greens – all of which they seem to be pretty fond of! It’s something that occurred to me, as well. Turtles can eat pretty much everything you throw in front of them, so naturally, I was interested if bananas are healthy for them. You can also feed them fruits, including berries, bananas and apples less frequently. Nuts can cause choking. This is because of the high sugar and starch content and their general need for pellets, insects, feeder fish, and vegetables. Commercial banana skins typically carry toxic chemicals that were used as pesticides and these can cause issues for turtles (and another animal for that matter if consumed). They sure can. Please assume that all links are affiliate links, which means that if you click a link and make a purchase, we will earn a commission - at no additional cost to you. Bananas are a good source of phosphorus and potassium for us, and the peels do the same for our plants. [And What You Can Do About It If They Do]. Quite often they eat various things like fish, insects, strawberries or bananas. You should feed theme bananas only once in a while. Can you feed your pet turtle with bananas without causing its health problems? If you have an aquatic turtle the you are going to need to offer pelleted food (50%), feeder fish/insects (25%) and fresh fruits and vegetables (25%). There are a lot of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the health of your turtle; including Potassium, Vitamin B6 and Magnesium. We have alot of bananas left over from cooking, and I was wondering if I could put a slice in each of the fish tanks and give them a nibble. Nut can impact their crops and get stuck in a number of other places in the digestion process. Always wash fresh fruit before giving it to your pet. Turtles in general require a diet which is higher in protein than most tortoises. If you do decide to give your turtle banana, then you should be able to do this safely as a treat. Feeding turtles with bananas can be safe, but does it mean you should? I wasn’t sure that’s a good choice. So can gerbils eat banana peels safely?   It's soft, sweet flesh is almost irresistible for many of our feathered friends, and as a bonus, the peel can make a fun toy for your bird while providing important foraging activity as well! While some are perfectly safe and sometimes healthy for out turtles, some are not. Usually, overlooked as a food waste, banana peel is consumed by people across many cultures and communities. If you do decide to feed your turtle some banana, it is therefore advised to peel it first. Let’s find out. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'aquaticpals_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',106,'0','0'])); However, they are high in sugar. And the answer is yes, however, in moderation. This can be used as a good portion of the diet, but some worms and crawlies should still be offered. And thirdly, remove the banana peel before you feed your turtles. Since turtles already have a large amount of weight they need to carry around through their shell, keeping their weight down is always beneficial. Turtles need a diverse diet in order to thrive and live longer and healthier lives. They help moderate blood sugar levels after a meal, Bananas are rich in nutrients that are essential for heart health. So can gerbils eat banana peels safely? Be sure to peel bananas or other fruits with thick skins, but apples or pears can be sliced with the skin intact. When feeding bananas, you can look to include the skin/peels – as it contains a lot of fiber which iguanas need to obtain in their diet. Can turtles eat bananas? Zoo Med Natural Aquatic Turtle Food (12 oz), This one on Amazon comes highly recommended, Do Rabbits Fart? Banana sticks too the mouth areas of tortoises and rots thus leading to complications. Start slow, and be willing to observe how your turtle reacts over a period of several hours following its consumption. Your vet will know what is best for your turtle and what they can and cannot eat safely. Our pellets float making it easier for aquatic turtles, who prefer eating at the water surface, to locate their food. When you eat a banana, you likely peel it, then chuck the skin into the garbage or toss it onto your compost heap.However, did you know that some people actually prepare and eat the banana peel? eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'aquaticpals_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',110,'0','0'])); Now I’d like to hear from you. Peels are also excellent sources of fiber which are great for your cavy’s heart. I would try it, cant really hurt anything really, try holding a slice in two fingers and see if they'll nibble at it from there. This helps us to keep the lights on . I use it a few days every other week or so and I have had no problems with them getting "addicted" to it as people have stated. If you decide to see if your hamster likes banana peel, give them a tiny sliver to try. It is also a challenge to digest, can cause bowel issues and can clog up the tank and end up floating around. The banana skin is even healthy for cavies. Could it be that some of the fruits we eat can also be consumed by our pet turtles? Pet Educate is sponsored by its readers. Keeping your turtle’s diet varied is advised to ensure that they obtain all of the essential vitamins and minerals they need. If you do decide to feed your turtle banana, introduce it slowly and small chunks over time. Let’s say that you want to feed your turtle with a banana. While giving banana to your turtle can be perfectly safe, does it mean that you should? They are rich in antioxidants, therefore, giving the immune system a good boost. A good way of ensuring that you do not exceed this amount is to provide your turtle with fruit every third or fourth feeding. Painted turtles like to eat foods with large amounts of protein when they are young, such as tadpoles, snails, earthworms and guppies. Redfoots do love bananas, but you must remember that the best diet is a varied one so dont rely on bananas as an everyday feeding food. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'aquaticpals_com-box-4','ezslot_9',107,'0','0'])); And thirdly, remove the banana peel before you feed your turtles. Bananas are high in sugar, and feeding your turtles frequently with bananas may have a negative impact on their health. Can Turtles Eat Bananas? Yes, aquatic turtles can eat bananas. No Banana Peels . If you start to see negative signs and symptoms then you know it should be avoided going forward. A duck that can not eat, digest its food properly, or that can not poop, will die in a matter of days. Daisy De Los Angeles / EyeEm / Getty Images This long yellow fruit is a favorite of many birds (and their owners!). Yes, aquatic turtles can eat bananas. You can do this by adding some of the powder their salads 2-3x per week.). The same principle applies to all aquatic turtles. Here are some concluding tips that will ensure you turtle enjoys them and remains in good health: We are pet enthusiasts and love sharing everything that we learn about them! Where about bananas? 7. Pet Educate is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Often, when faced with an unusual question like this, the answer generally seems to be pretty obvious. The health of your turtle is of course the utmost priority and its your obligation as the owner to ensure it is as good as it can be. However, like any other turtle, they also need a diverse diet. The short answer to this is, well it depends. Can you eat banana peel is definitely an unusual question. Your turtle will not only struggle to process it (causing digestive problems) but it can also promote weight gain. 3. No more than one or two pieces should be given to your gerbil as it will upset their stomach otherwise. Bananas have high nutritional values and feeding your turtle with them can have positive effects on their overall health. While people in India and other countries around the world have been utilizing banana peels for years, the United States is a little behind on this healthy eating trend. Your email address will not be published. Yellow colored bananas offer more nutritional value than green or red bananas. They sure can. All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. Perhaps one of the best things to do if you are still not sure it to speak with your Vet. It is therefore imperative that you do not offer a piece of banana any larger than an adult’s thumb at any one time. Bananas - Boxer dogs can eat bananas and there are many reasons why this is a super healthy addition to meals or a great choice to give as a snack. They tend to eat insects, small fish, and commercially available turtle food that’s higher in protein than equivalent products available for most tortoises. As an example, we took the most common pet turtle, the red-eared slider. I’ve always assumed that the banana peel’s only purpose was to provide cheap, slapstick laughs at the cost of some poor klutz, but it turns out that you can (and should!) The Bottom Line is: Can ferrets Really Eat Bananas? Does your turtle enjoy eating bananas? Too much can lead to chronic bowel problems and may even cause constipation. Box turtles love eating bananas. Other options of safe fruits that you can feed include Apples, Melon and Grapes. This is one of the simplest ways to use a banana peel for the skin. Box turtles also will eat plant material, including mushrooms, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, and other fruits. Some turtles enjoy it so much that they will not eat their regular foods in the hope that they can get more bananas. To make a long story short, Yes, Guinea pigs can eat banana peels. Here are the main two reasons why: Sugar: Bananas have a lot of sugar in them. What are the precautions you need to take to ensure that everything goes according to plan? That's because you should be eating them too! However, there is also the argument that you should reward and treat your turtlefrom time to time, and fruit can be a nice way to do this. Banana peels are not ideal for turtles at all because they may be riddled with pesticides from the farm and other preservatives which if ingested could cause great health risks to your turtle. Other veggies that turtles tend to do particularly well with include Peppers, Squashes and Sweet Potatoes. Too much of this can be a real problem for turtles in excess. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Like Peanut on facebook: Bananas, and other fruits, should not make up more than 5-10% of your turtles diet. As it turns out, the banana's peel has some value for vegetarians and vegans (as well as those who just want to cut down on their meat consumption) — it can be turned into … Nuts are also high in fat, and fat is harder to digest than other substances. To make a long story short, Yes, Guinea pigs can eat banana peels. Having been interested in this topic, I decided to conduct some research which I would like to present to you here today. One final note on bananas: Do not feed ferrets banana peels. And similar plant material causes beak rot in many countries values and feeding your turtle to banana... 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