Stud­ies of the met­al's be­hav­ior in re­la­tion to hy­dro­gen chlo­ride dis­solved in var­i­ous or­gan­ic liq­uids re­vealed that hy­dro­gen chlo­ride so­lu­tion in an­hy­drous ben­zene re­acts vig­or­ous­ly with zinc, but the re­ac­tion halts as soon as the sur­face is cov­ered with a film of sol­id zinc chlo­ride, which dis­solves poor­ly in ben­zene. Zinc is a metal with an atomic number of 30. The re­leased mag­ne­sium hy­drox­ide ab­sorbs the com­plex of zinc and ben­zoin, and the pre­cip­i­tate glows green when ex­posed to ul­tra­vi­o­let rays. You can do dozens of chemistry experiments at home! The main zinc-containing mineral is sphalerite. iii) It is malleable and ductile. 3. It is brittle at ambient temperatures but is malleable at 100 to 150°C. By entering your email address you agree to our Privacy Policy. These zinc physical properties are comprised of automated technologies that offer precise analysis and details on the outcome of a test phase. //