narragansett hen for heritage Tom-South NJ, Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures. Below: Chicken ladders or stairs help Silkies get about., The mottled hen I have is similar the hen in pic. Or better yet, Mottled Silkie x Mottled Ameraucana from the Mottled Ameraucana project. Bantam breeds that lay blue, pink or green eggs? They taste the same as normal eggs, although they tend to bigger yolks. When a hen goes broody, she stops laying and sits. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I think on average, silkies aren't great layers but so far I'm pretty impressed with mine! If you want a chicken that lays lots of eggs, the Silkie is not your bird. Silkies have the most unique coats of fluffy plumage, with the sweetest temperament. The Eggs: Silkie pullets should eventually lay eggs. The only difference is you need more of them as they’re so small! Being so docile, and cuddly, they are more of an ornamental pet than regular chickens, if that makes sense. Despite some information on the internet that blue-earlobed chickens lay blue eggs - that's a myth. In reality, the color can vary quite a bit. They also lay interesting eggs, here’s everything you need to know about Silkie eggs: Can you eat Silkie chicken eggs? I’m a huge fan, so just a little biased! You can see the difference above, between the silkie eggs on the right and commercially bought free range eggs on the left. The females tend to be broody and are often used for hatching eggs from other hens. If you’ve eaten Silkie eggs and they tasted different to other eggs, it will be for the same reasons why some eggs taste different than others – it comes down to how the hens were fed. Silkie eggs taste the same as any other hen eggs. They are more yolk and less white though, that’s worth pointing out. Nearly all of the true bantams lay white eggs although I have a few Japanese bantams that lay cream to light brown. When Do Wyandotte Chickens Start Laying Eggs? - Chicken & Chicks Info As for eating them, you can cook them all the same ways as you would a regular egg. Each individual chicken will only lay one color, but you could have a flock of Easter Eggers in which each and every bird produces a different colored egg. The tendency is to lay in flushes of 14 to 20 eggs at a time and then go broody. They make excellent mothers. Silkies do enjoy sleeping off the ground, even if they can't roost up high. The main reason for the breaks in laying is because they tend to broody often. Provide Nesting Boxes Silkies will lay around 100 eggs a year if they Join BYC FREE here to see fewer ads, post questions, upload pics, & more! Chickens lay a rainbow of colors when it comes to egg shells. You must log in or register to reply here. Rumors have held that the eggs of the Silkie are blue, but this is untrue. The only difference is that they’re much smaller. Orrrrr you could just.... you know... use stock from an already existing line of blue egg laying Silkies.... Exhibition, Genetics, & Breeding to the SOP. It’s hard to compare them with other chickens honestly. Silkies are poor performers in the egg laying department. As I’ve covered already, Silkies are not great layers. Silkies lay between 50 and 120 cream to brown colored eggs (there is some work done to breed silkies that lay blue colored eggs) a year. In Summary – Can you Eat Silkie Chicken Eggs? That works out at around 3-5 per week. However, they are not the best at laying eggs themselves. By this, I mean they are regular eggs if you thought there was something different about them in that way. Silkies are among the best chickens for sitting on eggs. (Strange But True), Are Backyard Chicken Eggs Safe To Eat? Silkie Eggs Silkies lay eggs that are slightly tinted with brown. When Do Rhode Island Red Chickens Start Laying Eggs? W… Caged Birds - Parrots, Canaries, Finches etc. Just remember to round them up at night so they can sleep safely in their coop. This is because Silkies are so small, a chicken’s egg size is often related to the size of the bird. By far my current favourite egg is that laid by my bantam Barnevelders, they are a light brown with dark brown speckles. I have two silkies, both of which lay one small white egg early each morning. I would say that this case is rather unusual and laying eggs is the best indicator that your Silkie is a female! Sellers usually list Silkies eggs as cream color. With the ability to produce up to 250 eggs each year, this chicken breed lays eggs that are a variety of colors – although most lay blue eggs, some lay eggs of other colors. They can stop laying altogether during the hot summer months. The exact amount of eggs you receive from your SIlkie chicken will vary depending on the conditions in which it is living, as well as on the individual bird. Supplementing their feed with fresh Their eggs, while small, are still just as packed with nutrients and delicious taste as those of larger breeds of chicken. However, there are cases of cockerel-looking Silkies that lay. Silkies are a good backyard breed, yes. They have been laying like this for about 6 months now. The small eggs are a standard shade of creamy brown in color. Silkies lay the same kind of eggs as other chickens. Here’s a video showing you some Silkie eggs up close. Absolutely! They lay small eggs with big deep yellow yolks with not so much white, perhaps 3-5 a week. They don’t though. Due to the silkies' tendency to be broody, there may be interruptions They do lay several different colored eggs and can be expected to produce between 100 to 120 before becoming broody. Or visit our Learning Center for articles on How To Raise Chickens. I was thinking of breeding the f1s together to get mottles in the f2 gen? There you have it, everything you’ll ever need to know about Silkie eggs – and more.eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'chickenandchicksinfo_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',108,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'chickenandchicksinfo_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',108,'0','1'])); You can eat them just the same as you would any other eggs. They aren’t your regular brown either. They do not … They lay small eggs with big deep yellow yolks with not so much white, perhaps 3-5 a week However, silkies do lay between 80 and 120 eggs per year, and can be encouraged to lay frequently. Somewhere in its ancestry it had either Araucana or Ameraucana blood and so possesses the blue egg gene. You will need a draft-free, but well-ventilated coop where your Silkies can seek refuge from the weather. They are considered poor layers averaging 2-3 small eggs each week – around 100-120 eggs per year. Unfortunately, although Silkies have the potential to lay an exceptional amount of eggs, their laying season is often cut short by their tendency to go broody. Silkies generally begin to lay eggs at around twenty weeks of age. Silkies are a little different though, as they seem to be in so many ways. Header image by Paige Cody, in-body image by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash. These two are prolific layers and will provide you with large eggs all year round. What they look like while being fried, and how they compare to regular eggs: People always ask me this. You'll want to give your Silkies an easy way to get higher. Silkies can start to lay at around 7 to 9 months of age, although some will not lay until they are much older. This equates to about 3 eggs each week.The eggs are cream to tinted in color, and are small to medium in size.They do start laying earlier in the year than most hens, starting up once the days begin to get longer – occasionally late December but more often early January time.As for their temperament, silkies are known to be calm, friendly and docile – even the boys. If it sounds like I’m trying to convince you to get some Silkies, it’s because I am. Make sure your chickens are old enough to lay. How fast do they grow (mature) ? Although Silkies can be encouraged to lay eggs frequently, they normally lay between 80 and 120 eggs per year. If you’ve heard that a chicken’s earlobe color determines the color of the eggs they lay, there is some truth to this. (Yes!) If you want to keep a flock for eggs, I recommend checking out breeds like the Rhode Island Red or the California White. The tendency is to lay in flushes of 14 to 20 eggs at a time and then go broody. But did you realize that a chicken’s earlobes are different colors as well, and that some people can make guesses as to what color egg a certain hen will lay … Silkies only lay roughly 100 to 120 eggs on a yearly basis and have been known to stop their egg-laying altogether in the heat of the summer months. JavaScript is disabled. They do look different though. That works just fine for me, but if you’re more of an egg white person you might want to keep that in mind. You'll want to give your Silkies an easy way to get higher. In fact, they are one of the best breeds of chickens to raise in a backyard setting – as long as you’re not keeping chickens just for eggs. Can You Eat Silkie Chicken Eggs? ). Why Aren’t Eggs Refrigerated in Europe? Actually, Silkies grow at the same rate as most other pure … I was thinking i should then breed the f2s mottles together. Silkie’s eggs are tiny. Silkies lay early in the New Year, often coming into lay toward the end of January as the days begin to lengthen. Silkies are considered a light breed of chicken (approx 1.5kg to 2 kg) and arrived from China. Although not all Easter Eggers will lay blue eggs. Araucana Ameraucana Cream Legbar Easter Egger Arkansas Blue Did you know all eggs are either blue or white? Generally, Silkies start laying eggs when they are between 7 and 9 months, but some can take even longer. Silkies lay a whitish eggs, anything from a porcelain white to a brownish pink colour. All the mottled silkie lines will lay coloured eggs like in the pic attached. Chickens That Lay Blue Eggs What Breed Of Chickens Lay Blue Eggs? These eggs are on the small side because silkies are bantams, but they still taste just as good. White, cream, tan, pink, blue, green, brown and speckled. No - they're wonderful at sitting on eggs, but if you want a good layer, don't have Silkies. Or breed the f2s back to there f1 parents. Most of the Silkie eggs I’ve seen are more of an off-pinkish color.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'chickenandchicksinfo_com-leader-1','ezslot_4',107,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'chickenandchicksinfo_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',107,'0','1'])); If you’re considering raising Silkies primarily for eggs, you’re going to be a little disappointed. (Yes, and Super-Tasty! Their eggs are smaller than your average hen – which is no surprise as these bantam Silkies are small. If you get 120 eggs in a year you are doing well. Silkie hens can lay 100 eggs a year until the third year, Silkies are kept as pets because of their good temperments, acting like dogs. Official BYC Poll - New Year New You...Resolution Time. Silkies are one of the most lovable, friendly, cute, and fun backyard chicken breeds.eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'chickenandchicksinfo_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_9',118,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'chickenandchicksinfo_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',118,'0','1'])); They are certainly the most unique and distinguishable, there’s no denying that. Easter Egger can lay almost any colour egg from olive through browns to white and I had some bantam Welsummers that laid a brown egg. Even if that means sitting on another chicken’s eggs. Because Silkies are small and lack feathers that lay neatly on their body, they can have a hard time staying warm and dry. The hens are Not only do Silkies lay tiny eggs, they only lay around 100-120 per year. Below: Some brown eggs from my bantam Welsummers. They are perfect if you have other breeds of chickens, pets, and children. The beloved Easter Egger is not in fact a recognized breed but a hybrid or ‘mutt’ chicken. Start with Mottled Silkies first, then add the blue egg shell gene from Ameraucana, no need for Cochin blood in them. They aren’t as cute as Silkies though! Copyright © 2020 | | As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. They will lay about 100 to 120 eggs each year. Silkies are natural mothers and love nothing more than sitting on eggs and incubating them. Silkies and Polish Bantams have blue ear lobes, but they can lay like a white egg or a cream-colored egg. Oh Christmas Oh Christmas let me see thee. They range from white to a pinkish color. They have blue earlobes, almost neon in appearance. what percentage of mottles should i get from these pairings? You can read more about different colored eggs here. Easter Eggers have red ear lobes and they can lay any sort of color eggs , from brown to cream to pink to blue to green to teal . Bantam laying darker eggs as she continues laying? I get it, they are so much smaller than regular eggs and unique in color that it’s normal to assume they might taste different. No chickens are. However they excel in the broodiness department and are fabulous mothers (more on this later). You can do this by either setting up a run or enclosing a space in your yard.
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