The difference is primarily in the plate chemistry (typically a calcium component) ...I will get into this a bit next. Unplug the charger from the wall and then disconnect the charger from the battery. If the knobs are not sanded, & just put in upside down, that sometimes works, but if you also put the stock hold-down upside down, that may make it less easy for your fingers to rotate the plastic knobs. The self-discharge rate of all batteries rises with temperature rise. Do your own research on the Internet. Another brand with a decent reputation is MotoBatt. A problem with this type of test is whether or not you do, or even could, know the real condition and ampere draw of the starter motor, and condition of peripherals like the solenoid switch, wiring, etc. That can cause shorts or sparks and burned-up diode board type problems when removing and reinstalling the front cover of an Airhead. Consider very carefully how your battery will be used, and under what conditions, etc. Although I have given you rather specific advice in this long article on various voltages, the following is practical advice, since voltage regulators on the various motorcycles will vary considerably ...or, you may want to know what is practical for setting yours if it is adjustable. 23. Even if the battery was capable of delivering the full 6 AH capacity at quite high drain levels, which it is not, let us assume here that it is capable of 6 AH at any drain level amount, to give the best possible rating for that battery ...and make calculations easy. That shortens them a bit. 8. There is an easy way to go about this. Quite a few folks had trouble with the mount posts also, not the same as the stock BMW batteries. Smart chargers are not in this category! True gel vehicle batteries, such as the $$ BMW (Exide) types, do not use the same absorbed glass mat construction of the VRLA Panasonic, AGM, etc. This is exactly what purchasing the common lower AH lithium batteries will do.....and, see the next few paragraphs. You charge it on a Smart Charger or trickle charger while monitoring its terminal voltage and if flooded type you do the initialization and bubble removal in my recommended full procedure. You could have APM ...Absorbed Paper Mat, or many other things, but fiberglass mats are very common. This is quite different from other batteries, in which a light to modest recharging current (amperes) is appropriate the beginning. 10/12/2017:  Substantial revision. Watch out for 'equivalent to' ratings... xx AH ...Ampere that is MEANINGLESS! Don't allow the battery to get much over baby bottle warmth. The form of gel batteries used for low-drain home-security systems, and even in some power backup systems for computers, is not the same as the BMW gel battery. To reduce the charger output enough, fashion a light bulb socket with an incandescent light bulb, connected in series with one of the two power input prongs on the charger. This is the same for 'lead equivalent' ratings. Some of the newer lithium chargers (see the manufacturer of your proposed battery, such as Shorai) have fully-controlled chargers now available ...I had been expecting that to happen. Load Testers that are reasonably priced, such as the Harbor Freight unit, have a voltmeter built-in, or at least good-bad indication of some sort; and the way they do the voltage measurement is "OK". 10/29/2013:  Update for clarity, add more cautions & information on DEsulfation mode problems. Instead, they have a gelled silica compound that supplies the electrolyte function. Modern technology has made batteries this large obsolete for motorcycle use and BMW no longer sells one. BMW airhead starter cover for R45 R65 R80 R100 cafe racers bobbers and trackers. That should, ideally, leave plenty for some idling time, then you can ride down the highway & hopefully the ride is long enough at a decent RPM to replenish the battery. 03/19/2013:  Revise and simplify the load testing procedure(s). Keep in mind what I said earlier in this article about self-discharge rates for the various types of batteries. When you charge any type of battery, the conversion is not 100% efficient. Clean & shiny is necessary during the making/tightening of bike wire connections to the battery (and elsewhere's), as teensy voltage drops can upset the voltage regulator, or create other problems. If the battery is too small in REAL AH rating, then it could be discharged from such as the headlight, etc., very quickly. It featured a full fairing -- the first on a factory motorcycle -- as well as an adjustable windshield, twin panniers, and of course the legendary 247 flat-twin "airhead… 2. This is the  'dry-charged battery' effect. This will avoid slight voltage differences. Battery Case 94X84X145 Hollow w/Cover. Finish. I used to have a second-best, to put it into your refrigerator (not freezer) and charge it every 6 months to yearly if you could. A lot of the advertising is false or very incomplete. IF you use a common, non-smart charger, do monitor the battery voltage. Once in a great while someone asks about what to do if the bike is stored for a few years. Many small non-smart motorcycle type chargers are rated at 0.5 to 2 amperes. That type of battery is not specifically treated in this article; but is very similar in initialization and charging, etc. (831) 438-1100. The use of old-fashioned service station quick chargers (typically 70 amperes & higher) is absolutely forbidden on bike batteries ...and is not good for large car batteries either. Fits right below the tank above the stock airbox. For either 1 or 2, above: The bike starts and runs fine for the next few weeks. Sometimes these batteries are advertised as "pre-charged", which is very misleading. The absorbed mat sealed battery, often called AGM (absorbed glass mat), or VRLA (valve regulated), are, contrary to information published in a few places, typically are the same type of battery. It either is already filled and deteriorating because Wal-Mart does not use chargers ...or, it is empty and YOU fill it with the acid that comes with it ...or you find at some other store. BMW Airhead R65 R80 R100 Plastic Battery Hold Down Nut - Pair - New. Another item is that the AGM/VRLA type needs to have lots of plates, because the liquid electrolyte is being presented in a mat, thus, these batteries are tightly packed, leaving less ability for heat-related expansion and contraction. 01/08/2013:  Clean up slightly, add a bit more on nerdy stuff to know. The reason is due to possibly grounding the battery without the battery ground wire at the speedometer bolt being connected, after you have purposely disconnected it. If your battery is a flooded type with removable cell top plugs, you are going to look, now and then, inside the cells (no sparks, wear safety goggles), whether or not you can see the water level from outside the case. Be careful with flooded types, as if no overflow/vent tube, the fumes from the caps vents WILL rot out your steel pan seat, mess with electronics, etc., over many years. You will probably find that the readings agree well-enough. This has confused many a person. This is part of the reason for not leaving a Smart Charger connected & powered for years, during extended storage, & even 1 year is sometimes damaging. A fully charged battery will not freeze in typical, even quite cold temperatures, takes 50 below zero F or more on a fully charged battery. Yes, I have taken them apart (a quite nasty chore). Money-saving hints! Failure to disconnect the battery will or could result in a burned diode board. 12/20/2006:  Re-edit entire article. 4. Recommendations. This applies to any of the battery types:  absorbed mat (AGM) (also called Valve Regulated...VRLA), flooded (slosh), sealed, lithium, etc. Some battery manufacturer's will say 1 hour minimum. A VRLA battery can have other chemistries such as cadmium, iron, etc. This can not be done by filling & then immediately putting it into your bike & then you go for a ride, which also removes a substantial amount of life from your battery. These best operate at a slightly higher voltage, & thus will work better and last longer if your voltage regulator is set properly a bit higher. I particularly like the two-meter larger one, I think it is much more versatile ....and more accurate ....and you can use it on your car or truck battery, not just a motorcycle battery. If you have the equipment, you will want to start with a quite low voltage and low current, see earlier in this article about lithium batteries. Voltages for 100% charge vary with the type of battery. The valve does not do anything but 'regulate' the over-pressuring possible the use of the word regulating is not all that informative as to its real function. You purchase what you think is the best of the best, and pay $$$$ for a Lithium battery supposedly designed for motorcycle use. There is a lot of misunderstanding about the use of these chemicals. So, what's with this stuff about AH (ampere-hour) ratings? The VRLA group includes GEL and AGM. These lithium batteries are pricey even in their small AH sizes. Adjust the Harbor Freight unit's meter (slotted screw on the face of the meter) so it reads the same as the digital meter. 9.5 volts or higher at 50°F 19. All In Stock orders placed during this time will ship the week of 01/04. Le migliori offerte per BMW Airhead R100RT Battery Covers Side Panels sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! Some have used 'Garden tools' batteries. Sand down the unthreaded part of the plastic hold-down knobs threaded hole area. Do not let it get over 15. I have seen it even longer with constantly cycling wall-wart chargers. The reliability of the best AGM/VRLA brands is quite good. Monitor the battery voltage at the battery & start the bike. 2016-feb-11 - Image result for bmw airhead battery relocation. I have thought about the size needed for the Airheads, and I think one rated at 3 amperes or more would be fine for anyone, and one rated at 2 amperes would do for most, possibly even somewhat lower. You install it. $65.00. No drilling, … For the Classic K bike the VR is part of the brushes assembly inside the alternator, & can be changed to the higher voltage version with some effort, as you must remove the alternator and disassemble it. The batteries in the same AH capacity are usually heavier than flooded batteries. I think that owning a 6 to 12 ampere charger is very useful for bike batteries. 03/10/2016:  Fix so looks OK on IE and Chrome, as had some superfluous hidden tags. 02/13/2006:  Add information on WestCo's BB brand. The LiFePO4 (ONLY!) I haven't the foggiest idea why many do not know of this. Remember:  You have $$$ invested in that lithium battery; and, you want it to remain reliable. That voltage will rise very slowly, and then much faster rising will occur. For riders that commute in cities with stop and go traffic such that the electrical system does not keep the battery charged, and you want to connect a battery charger every night, you really should have a Smart Charger, with an easy to connect setup. Collection: BMW AIRHEAD PARTS ... WESTCO 12V20P AGM BATTERY. Enough time at a reduced charge, particularly a deeply reduced charge, & the small sulfate crystals get much larger & these are often called HARD crystals, and ARE vastly more difficult to remove or convert. I highly recommend that you be very prudent & never use de-sulfation mode on a Can-Bus bike! Boxer Magic: A BMW airhead cafe racer from Lithuania Like many things from the early 90s, the BMW R100R suffers from an identity crisis. Some Panasonic and many other batteries that are slightly taller than a stock/standard BMW Mareg flooded battery, will be pressured by the Airhead tool tray ...not a good idea because when you are sitting on the seat you can possibly damage the battery over the long term. Allow a minute or two, depending on how much you used the starter motor. A fair condition battery will show a few tenths less, and a top-notch battery will show CONSIDERABLY higher. If you tend to start and operate your motorcycle in the Winter, with temperatures near or below freezing, where battery demands are high, the GEL type would not be recommended by me, particularly over the long term. The amount of gassing is absolutely current dependent, once the voltage is high enough. Smart Chargers are worthwhile, if you know the limitations. Flooded batteries are often, but not always, shipped dry, & if dry-shipped the battery needs to be properly filled with acid electrolyte in the initialization process. On BMW Airheads, poor grounding connection at the diode board or not tight enough connections at the board or the alternator can cause charging problems ...especially with the horrible rubber mounts and the grounding wires needed with those rubber mounts. This is especially critical during anytime the time the cell caps are off, so be sure the cell covers were replaced before using any charger. You continue to use that battery with no problems. If not under 100 milliamperes, you should not keep it connected during the entire (Winter or longer?) Harley Davidson V Rod, Night Rod Special VRSCDX 2001-2017 HD and Porsche. Tom Cutter's Rubber Chicken Racing Garage: Tom likes the MotoBatt batteries, & stocks and sells those. WARNING! It needs to be installed into the starter relay plug. 2016-feb-11 - Image result for bmw airhead battery relocation. If you test the battery with a real Load Tester every 6 months, or 1 year at the latest, and pay attention to the meter's readings, INCLUDING how fast the voltage drops during the testing, you are unlikely to be ever surprised by battery failure. Don't go over 16 volts at the battery. The batterybox is mounted underneath the gearbox at existing receiving points. WestCo Sealed 12V/25AH AGM Battery for BMW Airhead & K Bikes. 05/22/2013:  Update the lithium battery information, condense it. The instructions that come with the battery are hardly complete regarding initialization. Put safety goggles on. Poor connections at the battery wires (either ends of them) will almost surely lead to poor performance. Serious damage occurs below 8 volts. The dealer fills the battery while you wait, installs the battery, & you start your engine & off you go down the highway. Back to lead-acid batteries: This is a real peculiarity, but it is true. 03/03/2011:  Clean up article, add emphasis, straighten out confusion on voltages. It is almost invisible... although there is very similar in initialization and charging, the customer insert... 'S do not initialize a battery at Wal-Mart or similar naturally, the WestCo label & see the few! And could use quite a considerable amount of battery is fully charged of capacity, & stocks and those! And if the battery & they are 'equivalent-to ' bmw airhead battery used in batteries... To run forever, combined with an absorbent material, usually, done... Pricey even in their small AH sizes a low self-discharge use them ( as well as non-smart types ) amount. Bulb you select will REDUCE the charger is... or can be causes... All rights reserved ✭ discharged: a special charger is ~12.6 to ~12.7 sticker on transmission... Maintain it well, nor maintain it well, particularly in cold weather rather early ; & in depth... 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