Tell her to bend at the hips and the knees, hold her breath, and put her face in the water. Keep your elbow, hand, and wrist fixed in this position. Start on your back in the glide position. Swim front crawl--ten yards. Most of the forward motion of the front crawl comes from the arm stroke, which has three phases: catch, power, and recovery. Whether a swimmer is trying to swim to safety or is rescuing another swimmer, the elementary backstroke allows the person to move through the water without expending large amounts of energy. 3 strokes that employ a glide? Breathe in during the power phase of the leading arm and breathe out during the power phase of the trailing arm. Start from a prone float with your arms out straight, wrists slightly bent, and fingers pointed downward. Between the catch and the power phase, lift your chin out of the water, finish exhaling, and quickly take a breath. To begin the power phase, move your feet and lower legs in a whipping motion to trace an oval shape. In the sidestroke, the arm strokes and scissors kick are combined so that the legs are drawn up as the leading and trailing arms move toward the chest. The power phase is a pull with the hand just below the top of the water and the elbow bent. The breaststroke begins in the prone glide position with both the arms and legs straight. Kick. The Elementary Backstroke was performed in one of the first times in competition in the 1900 Paris Olympics. Rotate your hand so that your thumb enters first as your arm straightens under the water to its full length. When your arm enters the water above your head, as in the case of the freestyle and backstroke, keep it fully extended for a few minutes before you move your other hand back out of the water for the next stroke. Recover the arms by bringing your hands back up toward your shoulders. The glide, or rest phase is the most important part of your stroke in survival situations. Body Roll (front/back) Elementary Backstroke. As your foot reaches the end of the kick, straighten your leg and allow your foot to snap downward. At the beginning of the recovery phase, inhale quickly and return your head to its former position. The body rolls from side to side, always turning to the side of the arm that is currently pulling in the water. With your trailing arm straight and your legs apart for the scissors kick, the power phases for both the trailing arm and kick begin and end at the same time During this time the leading arm recovers to the glide position. Superman and back glide unassisted 6 meters. Glide Through the Hoop The students will start in the water with their backs against the wall. The swimmer moves through the water with repetition of this arm stroke and by incorporating a similar leg movement. Remember, this is a resting stroke. SKILL: BASIC BACKSTROKE. The arm pull should feel as though you are grabbing the water ahead of you and pulling yourself forward until your head passes your hands. Lateral breathing, whip kick, and elementary backstroke will also be taught. The whip kick starts in the glide position. Keep your wrist and hand relaxed and trailing behind or hanging below your elbow. Move your leading arm until it reaches the middle of your chest, while you move your trailing arm up the side of your body. Breathing and Coordination. When your face is in the water, slowly exhale through your nose and mouth. Kick. Kick. Without pausing, move your legs into the catch position. Keep your legs together during the glide position with the toes pointed back. Breaststroke Kick (front/back) Beginner Treading (5 - 10 sec) Intro to Side-Breathing. After gliding through the hoop, the students will swim to the other side and get ready to repeat the action. As your hand passes the shoulder, it reaches up and forward to enter the water again when it is at shoulder level. As your hand exits the water, the recovery phase begins. Only then should you begin the next cycle. Your toes should be pointed and just below the water’s surface. The water level should be right above the eyebrows. As you finish your glide, repeat the process. Performs Backstroke (25 yards). Rotary breathing, glide with push off of two body lengths and tread water. Drop your heels down to begin the recovery phase. Prerequisites: Must already be able to comfortably place face in water and swim for 15 feet, unassisted. Breathing is easy with the sidestroke since the mouth is out of the water. At the end of the power phase, your toes should be pointed back and away from your body. It uses a whip kick and a shallow arm pull. This swim stroke allows the swimmer to have a dry face with free breathing while still effectively moving through the water. Start in the glide position on your side with one ear in the water and the nose, mouth, and other ear out of the water. Student can start free and back with a glide. Reach out straight out from your shoulder with the trailing arm. Elementary backstroke: Both arms move synchronized (They begin out like an airplane, then go beside the body like a soldier then they run up the sides and back out to an airplane position) with whip kick. To coordinate the kick, the arm strokes, and the breathing, think of the phrase, “pull, breathe, kick, glide.” As your arms complete the power phase, take a breath, and then draw your feet toward the hips. Sidestroke Glide Once you are back in the glide position, hold and rests in that position until your forward movement begins to slows. The scissors kick is a powerful kick that provides a resting period between arm strokes. Bring your heels toward the hips at about a 45-degree angle, just beneath but not breaking the water’s surface. Breathing and Coordination. Crawl stroke 6 meters in length to pass. Arm Stroke. At the conclusion of the stroke, relax and allow your body to glide through the water for three or four counts. The speed of the whip kick should increase rapidly and continue until the end of the kick. Backstroke? Learning this stroke helps swimmers adjust to floating on the back and incorporates of motions a simple stroke for movement. In stage 2, students focus on body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water while also continuing to practice how to safely exit in the event of falling into a body of water. Floating on your back, spread your knees no farther apart than hip width. As your foot moves upward, keep that leg and knee straight. Backstroke Arms with Kick. However, this type of backstroke never became a mainstay of competition. Bring the legs together straight to beghin the next frog kick movement. The backstroke is swum on the back in a horizontal position. Swimmers doing the front crawl use a breathing rhythm of one breath for every one, two, three, or more arm cycles. Breastroke (can rest briefly) Another name for the freestyle? They will have to glide through the hoop that will be held out in front of them as they are gliding. Elementary backstroke is not the same stroke you see Olympians race on television, but it gets the job done. Arm Stroke. Here are the 10 most essential parts to focus on when performing backstroke... 10 Steps to Better Backstroke Technique. Then bend your arms a little at the elbows as the palms and arms push out and down until your hands are farther apart than the width of your shoulders. Then push the hands down through the water, propelling the body through the water until touching the outside tops of the thighs. A front glide is when you propel through the water face down in a streamlined position. With some practice, you should be able to time it so that you finish both the kick and arm stroke together. The elementary backstroke is another restful stroke, a good one to use when you need to swim for longer periods of time. They will push on the wall, when instructed. This is the catch position. Strive to make your movements continuous. Elementary backstroke arms; Supporting self at pool edge; Jumping from side with cues; Water exit; Youth #2. In the elementary backstroke, the arms and the legs provide power at the same time. Reverse direction while swimming on back. As your arms begin the recovery phase, place your chin and face back in the water. 5 / STROKE DEVELOPMENT . The swimmer draws the hands up the sides of the body while bending the elbows. Time the arm strokes and kick so that the arms and legs are both at their full length as the kick finishes. However, efficient arm and leg actions can speed up rescues and assist with the stabilization of the victim. LEVEL 3: Front Crawl and Elementary Backstroke. During the power phase, your hands and forearms should always be below the elbows and your elbows should always be below your shoulders. Keep your legs straight with your toes pointed and have your arms at your sides with your hands on your thighs. They display a flat relaxed body position on the back. Breaking down backstroke technique into it's separate parts makes it easier to focus on one part at a time. Don’t begin the kick until your arms have begun their power phase. Turn the palm of the leading arm until it is vertical with the thumb on top. Incorporate the arm movement with the simultaneous frog kick movement for propulsion through the water. Kick. ), © 2019 Boy Scouts of America - All Rights Reserved. This slow, measured stroke allows swimmers to rest when needed or increase the force of arm and leg movements to cover distance in the water. People like the breaststroke because it conservesenergy, they can keep their head above water, and it can be done for longer distances. SKILL: GLIDES AND JUMPS. They jump or step into 5 ft and return the wall with assistance. At armpit height, extend the arms outward to full length (like a T). To begin the power phase, move your feet and lower legs in a whipping motion, pushing outward and backward until your legs and feet are touching in a glide position. 11 11. Sometimes used as a recovery or rescue stroke, the elementary backstroke is often considered one of the most relaxing swimming strokes. swimmer effort. Students will continue to develop basic swimming skills to become stronger and more efficient in the water and learn breath exchange for unassisted swimming and floating. Freestyle across width. Class will be held in main pool and occasionally the diving tank. For the elementary backstroke you begin with your hands at your sides, draw them upward along your body to the shoulders, then extend outward into a T-shape for the catch. As your body rotates during the middle of the power phase, start turning your head so that your mouth is out of the water just as your hand exits by your hip. Place her feet on the wall and push off and glide in a streamlined position. Back Glide into Back Stroke Arms: Scissor Kick: 50 yd Elementary Backstroke: Feet-first surface dive: jellyfish: Front Glide into Freestyle Arms and Legs Together: Breaststroke: arms and legs together, incorporate breathing: Back Glide into Back Stroke Arms and Legs Together: Sidestroke Arms: 50 yd Freestyle: using open turns: Sculling with Hands: on back Elementary backstroke is a survival stroke that is taught to many beginning swimmers. Think of it as the snow angel of the swimming pool. Keep both arms straight during the glide, or resting phase of the stroke. The flutter kick begins at the hips and flows to the feet. When your arms are about halfway through the recovery phase, begin the whip kick. Off the Wall Streamline Glide. Glide until you feel yourself slowing in the water and take your first swim stroke. Backstroke arm action on back; Elementary backstroke kick with support, 15 feet; Backstroke, unsupported, 15 feet; Exit Skill #1 - In chest-deep water, superman for 2 body lengths, roll over to a back float for 10 seconds, then recover to a vertical position. Much like the frog kick used during the breastroke, the elementary backstroke kick involves drawing the knees up and out with the heels touching. The kick should be smooth and steady, and your feet should stay just under the water with only your heels breaking the surface. Reverse direction while swimming on front. The arm stroke for the elementary backstroke is simple. 7 7. 10 10. Glide on front and back 3 body lengths; Float on front and back for 30 seconds in deep water; Step or jump into chest-deep water; Intro to scissors kick; backstroke arm and leg action; Elementary backstroke 15 yards; Combined swim front 25 yards; Tread deep water for 30 seconds; Safety skills Begin the recovery phase by bringing your hands in together under the chin and your elbows to the sides of your body. Skills to be taught: Dive from side of pool in stride or compact positions; Elementary backstroke for 15 yards; Front crawl with rotary breathing 25 … Keep your legs straight with your toes pointed and have your arms at your sides with your hands on your thighs. 2 strokes that employ body roll? When your thumb is even with your eye and your arm is straightened to about three-quarters of its length, allow your fingertips to smoothly enter the water. Breathing and Coordination. They show long legs with quick kicks on the back. Optional Dolphin kick As one foot moves downward, the other comes up in a fluttering rhythm. To help coordinate your arms and legs in the sidestroke, remember the phrase, “pull, kick, glide.” Start by moving your legs into the catch position. The front crawl has three parts: the flutter kick, the rotating arm stroke, and rhythmic breathing. Without pausing, straighten out your arms with your palms facing your feet. This class will work on stroke development including front/back streamline with kick, backstroke, side glide and elementary backstroke. To begin the catch, slightly bend your right wrist and elbow as you move the entire arm downward. Inverted butterfly: Similar to elementary backstroke, but with a … 13 13. Demonstrates: Butterfly arms, performs Butterfly (arms-kick-breathe sequence) (25 yards), demonstrates open turns for all strokes, demonstrates streamlines for all strokes, and performs standing dive. Breathing and Coordination. The kick takes less time than the arms because the legs move a shorter distance than the arms, and they are stronger. Demonstrate elementary backstroke kick--ten yards. Pre-Requisite: Front glide, front crawl, and backstroke all unassisted for 10 feet. The elementary backstroke is often used as a tool for beginner swimmers. 12 12. Glide on front at least 2 body lengths, roll to a back float for 5 seconds, then recover to a vertical position. Swim back crawl--ten yards. Both hands should arrive at the same time in front of the upper chest. Rest in the prone position as your body glides through the water. Your hand should be directly in line with your shoulder. This turns your right hip up toward the top of the water just as your right hand reaches the end of the power phase. Level 3: (Class Ratio 6-1) The Youth level 3 class is focused on stroke development. (To avoid getting water in your mouth and nose, keep your forehead slightly higher than your chin as your arms push toward your feet. Move your top leg forward and your bottom leg back until your legs and knees are straight. Push hard against the water, and sweep your hand and forearm down and back under your chest. A for Athlete is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. When you need to take a breath, exhale all of the remaining air into the water during the power phase of the arm stroke. It is the fastest swimming stroke. Back stroke, front crawl. There is a back glide in the elementary backstroke and a side glide in the sidestroke. The average length of time spent mastering skills in each level is approximately 12 months if weekly attendance is consistent. Catfish | Prerequisites: Front glide with flutter kick, 15 feet; beginning front crawl, 20 feet; roll over by taking a single arm stroke; independent back float, 20 seconds, with recovery; back glide with flutter kick, 10 feet; elementary backstroke with flutter kick, 20 feet; jump into shallow or deep water, return to pool edge; sitting dive. Practice taking a breath for every set of arm cycles on the same side. Prone glide with push-off for two body lengths. Slowly move your hands either up the centerline of your chest or up the sides of your body with your elbows tucked in until your hands reach the shoulders. 1. The elementary backstroke is also used as a rescue tool. Your feet must be farther apart than your knees. Have your palm facing away from your body. Begin moving the leading arm into a catch position by moving the hand in a downward direction toward the feet. Keeping your knees bent, spread your knees until they are no farther apart than hip width. Turn your feet so your toes are pointing out and your ankles are fully flexed up. The trailing (top) arm should rest comfortably alongside your body with the hand above the thigh. Jump Into Pool & Exit. Perform a shallow-angle dive into deep water at least 9 feet deep, swim front crawl for 50 yards, then swim elementary backstroke for 50 yards using appropriate and efficient turning styles throughout. 9 9. While doing the breaststroke, you should exhale slowly in the water between breaths. Stretch the legs out with pointed toes to the sides, pushing through the water. Arm Stroke. Finish the recovery by pushing your hands forward just under the surface, fingers leading, until your arms are at their full length in a glide position. Begin the power phase by pressing your arms and palms downward until your elbows form a 90-degree angle, with your forearms pointing toward the bottom. For more information, see Aquatics Supervision, No. The backstroke is the only one of the four competitive strokes that is swum on the back. With you body on its side, straighten the leading (bottom) arm to its full length with your ear resting on your shoulder and your palm facedown. My child can…front and back streamline w/kick, swim backstroke, elementary backstroke and side glide 10 feet…. When the glide begins to slow down, it is time to start another stroke. Turn your hands to a slightly palms-out position. Have your child assume the streamlined position while standing, as described above. The elementary backstroke is not a competitive swim stroke today. Rhythmic breathing 3-5 strokes off the wall 5-7 on the wall. The arm stroke for the elementary backstroke is simple. Seated Dives Recover Float. Prerequisite: Must be able to do back glides with kicking for 5 ft. (preschool) or 10 ft. (youth), Front Crawl with no side breathing for 10 ft. (preschool) or 15 ft. (youth), … Flutter Kick on Back with Arm Skulls. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Performs Breaststroke (pull-breathe-kick-glide sequence) (25 yards). Elementary backstroke is introduced. Your upper body will roll, with your left hip turning down and toward the centerline. This is the catch position. When you have finished both the kick and trailing arm stroke, rest and relax your muscles. Hold the glide position for three or four counts and then repeat the stroke. This backstroke doesn't require any complicated breathing technique since the swimmer's head never goes underwater. Drop your heels by bending your knees, keeping them just below the surface. You can practice the kick by holding the edge of the pool or by supporting yourself on a kick board. Your big toes should almost touch one another as they pass. The glide phases used in the three survival strokes encourage the conservation of energy. During the downward part of the kick, your ankle stays relaxed, toes are pointed behind you, and your knee is slightly bent. In a single motion, sweep your arms quickly toward your feet, bending your elbows and wrists throughout the stroke to push water backward. Your feet must move outward wider than the position of your knees and act like paddles to push the water behind you. Supine glide with push-off for two body lengths. In this video, I’ll cover the kick, arms, full stroke, and a modified elementary backstroke that I teach to swimmers that are scared or uncomfortable with whip kick. To do the scissors kick, bring your knees together and then bend them as you bring your lower legs and heels toward the buttocks. 8 8. Must be able to jump into deep water, take a breath and swim front crawl 15 feet unassisted. The arms pull through the water and recover above the water alternately. Like breaststroke, the survival backstroke experiences considerable frontal resistance due to … Level 5 Safety skills, shallow dive, glide two body lengths and begin any stroke, back and survival float for 2 minutes, front and back crawl for 50 yds., butterfly, elementary backstroke, sidestroke, and breast stroke for 25 yds. Use your hand and arm to push the water toward your feet while they move to the side of your body. 2 / WATER MOVEMENT . As your hand becomes level with your shoulder, begin to straighten out your arm as it continues to move back and out to just beside your right hip. The process recovers by moving the leading arm and breathe out during the phase... To swim for longer distances length as the kick should be pointed back your elbows the... Phases while the leading arm recovers by moving the hand just below top. Phases used in the water behind you apart than your knees is used. 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