The most important things here are the basic movement patterns, the rep ranges, and the progression of weight and reps from week to week. That said, the below guidelines can generally be used for athletes who have spen… If you’re like me, you have a particular rep range you tend to gravitate towards in your training. Be the first to receive exciting news, features, and special offers from! Next 1-2 Exercises - 3-4 sets with moderate loads in the 8-12 rep range with mostly compound movements. The intensity of the lift should be somewhere between 65% to 85% of your 1 rep max. © 2020 Studies show that this rep range does the best job at actual growth. Have you ever seen a guy with huge legs, a broad back, and a massive chest who couldn't put up some serious weight? It will also increase the number of myosin and actin filaments within the muscle fibers. If the goal is strength and hypertrophy you can move up to 3-6 reps. 5 Each of the three weeks is meant to bring about a specific physiological effect, so that your body cannot adapt to any one form of training, which would … Accessory movements are things like pull-ups, abdominal work, calf raises, biceps curls, and the like. All rights reserved. Take the hook. more exercises, + 30-60% of 1 rep max) for the rep ranges shown above. They’re are all perfectly fine. Most people stick to 3 sets of about 10 reps and rarely do anything more. 6 sets, 3-5, 3-5, 6-8, 6-8, 9-12, 9-12 reps, 6 sets, 3-5, 3-5, 6-8, 6-8, 9-12, 9-12 reps (low bar, to parallel), 6 sets, 3-5, 3-5, 6-8, 6-8, 9-12, 9-12 reps (standing on 45-lb plates), 5777 N Meeker Ave, Boise, ID 83713-1520 USA. In the medium rep range (5-12 reps) you will cause a mixture of both. After your break, you might want to switch up some or all of the exercises that you … Far too many new lifters spend hours upon hours over-thinking their programs. Powerlifters tend to lift predominately in the 1-3 rep range (i.e. The Answer. … How many times have you gone into the gym and literally just picked a random number of repetitions to perform on a specific exercise? In other words, the 1-6 rep range provides nearly every form of training stimulus one needs from resistance training while simultaneously ingraining proper body mechanics rather than sloppy form and dysfunctional movement. 4 If your slow twitch fibers can lift the weight, they will be the only ones recruited to work. The lowest rep range is anywhere from 1 to 5 reps. If you’re trying to gain brute strength and power, this is the rep range that you should stick to. For example, using low reps builds more strength and power, while using high reps builds more endurance and oftentimes leads you to improving your form. In the high rep range (12+ reps) you will predominantly cause metabolic fatigue. There are very few things less enjoyable to me than a high rep set of back squats that makes me feel like my hearts gonna explode. The same is true for medicine ball throws or jumps—the emphasis should be on the quality of movement and not the number of repetitions performed. 3 Different Rep Ranges for Strength, Hypertrophy & Endurance. Results may vary. In total the offseason is about 2 months. If you are trying to develop power (a combination of speed and strength), the recommended rep range is 2-4 explosive reps for 2-4 sets at 90% of the 1 rep max. Personally, I like 1-5 reps. It’s fun. The Body Fat Solution. Avoid injury and keep your form in check He played basketball at University of Delaware and Stetson. Quickly read through our step-by-step directions to ensure you're doing each Remember, you can sub in other exercises or exercise variations as long as they meet the same goals. Best Set & Rep Scheme: 9 x 3; Reasoning: While speed and power can be developed with higher rep ranges, I prefer to use more sets (9) and fewer reps (3) as it facilitates proper technique on all repetitions and delays the onset of fatigue. The rep ranges you utilize will vary based on experience level. The final exercise will be to failure in the 13-15 rep range. They aren’t worried as much about brute strength production. Power Hypertrophy Endurance; Load (% of 1RM) 80-90: 45-55: 60-80: 40-60: … In an MMA fight, there are a multitude of different rep ranges and types of punches thrown. Also, switching up your rep range when you hit a plateau is an effective way to break through the plateau. In that time, I’ve seen a lot of ideas, fads, and trends come and go. It doesn’t do as good of a job of increasing overall strength, like the low … With each cycle do your best to increase the weights you lift and/or the reps you achieve. In order to make the stimulus this week even more unique from the POWER week, you will also change your rep tempo. The amount of muscles that are recruited to lift an object depends on the load of the object. Rep Power: 121 rep range for explosive power, confused!!! This rep range is basically a mixture of the low range and high range. Adam is an athlete with a serious passion for fitness and health. more exercises, + Working in the 3-5 rep range with 75 to 80 % of maximum with an effort on explosiveness will help the athlete to up their power. I’ve been training now for a decade. So your accessory work is basically up to you. Once you hit near the top of the range for all four sets, it's time to go heavier! Lastly, fast twitch fibers are called to duty. To train for these types of punches you need a mix of compound and isolation moves. Already have a account with BodyFit? Instead of thinking about any single rep range as a "strength builder" or "size builder," use them all to your advantage to train every fiber in your body and elicit maximal growth! With this in mind if we’re looking to improve strength and power you can focus on a range of 1-3 reps. The 15+ rep range. Moderate Rep Range (6-12) The moderate range stays between 6 and 12 repetitions. Not only did they increase their one rep max—they increased their lifting speed as well (power). This is a fundamental aspect of long-term strength development and ensures a lifter can handle the extreme demands a serious strength-focused program (increasing maximal strength) can have on a system. PRE-SEASON. In the low rep range (1-4 reps) you will predominantly cause mechanical tension. Specifically, the 1-5 rep range is best for gaining strength. If you listen to conventional bodybuilding and strength training wisdom, you probably believe that lifting for size and lifting for strength are totally separate endeavors. After you have completed the 3 week POWER, REP RANGE, SHOCK cycle, return to the beginning and repeat. Here's the perfect program that utilizes multiple rep schemes so you can build power, size, and strength at once! The reasoning behind that order of muscle operation is because fast twitch muscles get tired the easiest, so the body saves them for when they are really needed. In general, you should finish each set feeling like you probably could have just barely put up one more. For lower body, you'll need heavy calves and abs exercises as well as a couple of additional moves for quads and hamstrings. The rep ranges you utilize will vary based on experience level. 3 The second will be to failure in the 10-12 rep range. Power, Rep Range, Shock (P/RR/S) is a cyclical approach to lifting weights in which you utilize a unique training protocol every week (in 3-week cycles), with the goal of tapping into all of the body’s various growth mechanisms. Think you'll get away with doing nothing but leg presses for legs, machines for chest, and wimpy pull-downs for back? facebook. i've done power cleans for a one rep max, all the way to a 15 rep set. For safe, effective power training, the rep range should focus on the maximum force output for one or two reps and be limited to no more than four or five. Also, switching up your rep range when you hit a plateau is an effective way to break through the plateau. Use 80-95% 1RM for 2-6 sets of 2-6 reps for these compound lifts followed by hypertrophy work in the 6-8 rep range. It’s a lot of work, so your muscle endurance will improve as well. With this in mind if we’re looking to improve strength and power you can focus on a range of 1-3 reps. This website is for informational purposes only and is in no way intended as medical counseling or medical advice. After three full cycles I recommend that you take off one full week from the gym before returning to the program. If you are trying to develop power (a combination of speed and strength), the recommended rep range is 2-4 explosive reps for 2-4 sets at 90% of the 1 rep max. + Well, that all depends on you. Best Rep Ranges To Increase Punching Power. Don't risk doing a workout improperly! When I was training, I tried to do all of those rep ranges in the same workout I’d lift heavy with low reps, light with high reps and moderate weight with moderate reps. In other words, how do weightlifters and powerlifters get to be their strongest via training? The point of these movements is to "fill in the gaps" left by the four main movements. Hypertrophy Best Rep Range for Strength. This means you should never miss a rep in training unless you're testing your max. Trust me, you'll do enough overall work that you won't need to blow a gasket on each and every set. If your primary goal is muscle hypertrophy, then it is more time-efficient and less demanding on the joints to perform most of your sets in the “hypertrophy” rep range of 6-12 reps. Yes, I said cardio. This type of volume for lifting is great for muscular endurance. The same goes for the other moves: You might do incline or decline press instead of the regular bench press, sumo deadlifts rather than conventional, and do seated instead of standing military presses. Smart training is essential, but your progression should rely on consistent hard work, not some overwrought, pseudo-scientific program. You just have to know what your own goals are in order to pick a rep range for yourself. Most lifters do best with three ranges: 3-5 reps, 6-8 reps, and 9-12 reps. For your arms, use variations on the curl, triceps extension, and rear-delt raise—don't do the same movements over and over. Seems almost too simple, doesn't it? Rest for a couple of minutes or as long as necessary between sets, because these sets will make you feel like you've been hit by a truck! The Traditional Power Scheme . Power training, much like strength training, calls for longer rest periods (2-5 minutes), a low rep range on Olympic lifts (1-5), moderate reps on other lifts such as bench presses, jumps, and throws (5-10), and low-to-moderate numbers of total sets (3-5). Of course, we can't talk about rep ranges and progression schemes without actually discussing the lifts you'll be performing. Weightlifters might call this "bodybuilding work," but in my opinion, just about any athlete who needs to get bigger and stronger should do these movements. It's an effective, proven technique that's long been used by powerlifters, weightlifters, and other strength athletes. For safe, effective power training, the rep range should focus on the maximum force output for one or two reps and be limited to no more than four or five. it all depends on what muscle fibers you want to target, heart rate zone you desire, and overall muscular goal. How To Make Your Cardio Interesting With Battle Ropes, How Wave Loading Can Increase Your Lifting Results Dramatically, Why Counting Calories Might Be A Waste Of Your Time, 8 Exercises That Will Help You Survive The Zombie Apocalypse, 6 Things You Wish You Knew Before Overeating On Thanksgiving, 25 Fitness Lessons That Will Help You Level Up Your Life, Fat Loss 101: Strategies To Lose Fat And Keep It Off, Beginner’s Guide To Building Strength And Muscles Safely. 1-5 Reps. This rep range will promote an increase in thickness and number of muscle fibers. You don’t want to actually get fatigued while doing speed training. Specifically, the 1-5 rep range is best for gaining strength. BodyFit is your solution to all things fitness. When training in the 1-5 reps range, you are going for maximal strength. Now as for training for explosive power and speed (I told you it was the exception): This is best trained with light weights (i.e. Steve Holman. If not, intermediate fibers will be summoned. For decades, gurus and gym rats alike have been parroting the same old "3-5 reps for strength, 10-12 reps for size" mantra, and few people seem to question it. There are hundreds, if not thousands of different accessory movements you can choose. But that's how your training should be, at least most of the time! First 1-2 Exercises - 3-4 sets with heavy loads in the 1-5 rep range with compound movements. Everybody has more than one fitness goal, but not everybody knows how to go after more than one goal at a time. Since different rep ranges go about triggering a growth response in slightly different ways, you’re probably better off training with a full spectrum of rep ranges instead of rigidly staying in a single rep range and intensity zone. These basic lifts are the squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press. You will be able to get more reps immediately and, in a few weeks, blow past your old sticking point. When doing technical power-based lifts like the barbell snatch, clean-and-jerk, push press or hang clean, the focus should be on the quality of movement and not the quantity of reps performed. Power Of The Pyramid: Don’t Give Your Muscles The Same Training and Weight Every Set, Make Them Work! My main goal is to improve strength and power. You should be working between 50 and 60% of your 1RM (1 rep maximum) Main objective is muscular endurance If you're training for muscle size, choose a weight at which you reach muscle failure in the 8-12-rep range. The people that usually train in this rep range are competing to lift the most weight they can for a one rep max. Some movements, like olympic lifts are really explosive and require a lot of power to be generated. Tweet . These are the ideal rep ranges if your training for strength, power, hypertrophy or endurance. Here is a quick rundown of the different rep ranges for every goal. You’ll be training mostly slow twitch muscle fibers and depleting the glycogen stores. Pin. If you want that hard, constantly flexed look that experienced bodybuilders all seem to have, then you need to use multiple rep ranges. The group that mixed rep ranges got a whole lot stronger in the bench press than the group that did low reps on both squat and bench. The moderate range stays between 6 and 12 repetitions. High Rep Ranges for Strength Athletes? A bodybuilder’s goal is to get the “pump” going. If you’re more of an endurance athlete, focus on 15-20 reps at 50-60% 1RM. You should be working between 50 and 60% of your 1RM (1 rep maximum) Main objective is muscular endurance; Used in circuit’s style training leading to increased heart rate and weight loss/toning. Since the count is so low, the weight being used will usually be between 85% – 100% of your 1 rep max (the maximum weight that you can lift 1 time). Introduction to the Hypertrophy Rep Range. I don't like prescribing one-rep max percentages to determine how much you should lift for each rep range because some people can do a lot more reps with a given percentage than others. Let’s discuss 3 different categories of rep ranges and how they might effect your body. Model: Berry Kabov with the weight during the positive portion of the rep, it won’t move very quickly at all due to the heavy load you’re lifting. The first exercise will be to failure in the 7-9 rep range. If you're a rank beginner who still doesn't have great technique and a feel for each lift, you need to increase those rep numbers a bit—to 6-8, 9-12, and 13-15 reps. Just make sure you stick with one choice per movement pattern for at least a couple of months at a time, otherwise you won't be able to gauge your progress and gains. The 6-12 rep range maximizes volume while using a heavy enough load to create sufficient overload (mechanical tension). The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. It will also increase the number of myosin and actin filaments within the muscle fibers. In the low rep range, usually the load being lifted is relatively heavy. Power/Rep Range/Shock Time to Grow Without Plateaus Weighted Dips The goal during power week is to make a direct attack on the type 2A and 2B muscle fibers, with an emphasis on the 2Bs. Mitochondria will become more dense within cells, so that they can produce more energy for an extended period of time. While those four basic lifts are by far the most important aspects of your program, you still don't want to leave out your accessory work. In the final analysis, substantial evidence argues that training in a moderate-rep range is the best way to build muscle mass. His degree is in health science and he's a certified personal trainer who loves helping people reach their goals.℠ and BodySpace® are trademarks of The “or” means that you can alternate between hypertrophy and endurance workouts week after week, during the week, or even during the workout. He provides all the details and more. There are a number of different attributes you can develop with weight training and each one is best developed by certain rep ranges. You’ll see exactly how it works in his new e-program, The Power/Rep Range/Shock Workout. The snatch and clean-and-jerk are technically demanding lifts. Broser has gone to great lengths to incorporate key rep tempos for each week to enhance the desired size effects. On the other hand, how often do you see skinny guys lifting more than the experienced bodybuilders? Most lifters do best with three ranges: 3-5 reps, 6-8 reps, and 9-12 reps. I will say, however, there are a few rules to follow: Alright, here's the basic template. Sign In. with in-depth instructional videos. And the fact that the medium rep range causes a mixture of both, is what makes it so powerful. In other words, after your warm-up sets—which are never taken to failure—you should select a load with which you can complete at least 8 reps but not more than 12. It doesn’t do as good of a job of increasing overall strength, like the low range. Since each rep range is going to affect your strength, size, and overall look a bit differently—and because one isn't more valuable than another—I favor a routine that includes them all in every workout. For your main lifts, add 5 pounds to the bar for each rep range every workout. When using heavy weights for technical power-based lifts like the snatch or the clean-and-jerk, the rep range should focus on the maximum force output for one or two reps and, at the most, be limited to no more than four or five. It’s time to leave the closed minded and dogmatic programming schemes behind. Don't worry, you'll do more than just those four movements in this program, but they make up the four cornerstones of your training. Rest between sets is also very important. Join today and unleash the power of BodyFit! At that point, you can increase the weight, but not by so much that you can't stay within the 10-20 range for all four sets. Rep Range: 1-4 REPS. Well calculated and hard earned power schemes can expedite muscle mass development. Next is the pre-season. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement. In this article, the difference’s between the principle rep ranges are explained. The intensity of the lift should be somewhere between 65% to 85% of your 1 rep max. If you're a rank beginner who still doesn't have great technique and a feel for each lift, you need to increase those rep numbers a bit—to 6-8, 9-12, and 13-15 reps. The Power/Rep Range/Shock Workout. A lot of lifters live in the world of low-range reps because they probably think that women will get all damp-pantied over how much weight they're using and imagine what a wonderful mate such a testosterone-ish man would be, especially when it comes time to attach the plow to his frame and furrow the fields after the mule got lame or when the Visigoths came down from the mountains to plunder their land.Sure, keep on thinking th… I know some bodybuilders claim they get better fiber recruitment and mind-muscle connection with machines. Bodybuilders and strength/power athletes would aim for 8-12 reps of 65-75% 1RM. Since there's no traditional periodization here, your progression from one workout to the next is going to be simple. Share. This really requires your best concentration as you not only want to make each and every rep and set, but you must use your best technique, strength, and power to do this. Well it’s actually not that complicated. Let’s look at why: But it does promote muscular hypertrophy due to the increased time under stress. If it’s such a big deal, then what is the ideal rep range? For others, they like 6-12 reps. should be done before you give it a shot. The preseason, which lasts between 3-5 months, will focus even more on strength and power. Sample Training Program for Building Power (mainly upper body): You want to stay somewhat fresh and ensure progression from one workout to the next. For example, using low reps builds more strength and power, while using high reps builds more endurance and oftentimes leads you to improving your form. Keep in mind, this may not be the optimal plan if you're specialized or purely focused on powerlifting, but I find it yields the best results for maximum muscle size, strength, density, and tone. You can certainly pick variations as long, as they allow you to use lots of weight and make relatively quick progress! Last 1-2 Exercises - 3-4 sets with light loads in the 15-30 rep range usually with an isolation movement. For your secondary lifts—and any others for which you'll do four sets of 10-20 reps—keep using the same weight until you're able to get at least 15 reps for all four sets in the same workout. Best Set & Rep Scheme: 4 x 8; Reasoning: A moderate range of 4 sets of 8 reps allows the lifter to handle loads that stress the muscle quickly while facilitating sufficient time under tension. Ideally, you'd use the same weight for all four sets, but don't worry if you have to lighten the load for the third or fourth set to stay within the rep range. Consider the difference between … You probably won’t be lifting anymore than 65% of your 1 rep max in this range. Why? by Mike Israetel | Jun 05, 2017. The greatest lifters—whether they've competed in powerlifting or bodybuilding—have busted their asses with simple programs to reach their level of success. But I think there's a better way, at least for the more physique-oriented trainee. i don't think there is any particular rep range that works best for any certain exercise. The truth is that training for size and training for strength are basically the same. Your upper-back work should include barbell rows, dumbbell rows, pull-ups (not pull-downs), and maybe some shrugs if the deadlifts aren't doing enough to build your traps. Generally speaking, beginners will gain significant amounts of strength and muscle mass early on in their training career when they perform moderate repetitions with moderate to heavy loading in a systematic overloading progression. That’s a mistake that’s going to cost them progress. heavy singles, doubles and triples) for their main lifts. So here's a good rule: No matter which rep range you use, always aim to leave one more rep in the tank. As much I love the squat, you'll probably run out of steam too soon if you try to do nothing but squats for your legs, so don't be afraid to use the leg press or hack squat machines once your core (and mind) are too fried to do another set of squats. There is still muscular grown in this range because anabolic hormones are released at a very high level. This rep range is basically a mixture of the low range and high range. This reps and sets system can be used for squats, deadlifts, benches, snatches, clean and jerks, and any other lift that you want to excel in. This section will last another month. Finally, for all of the upper-back work, use as much weight as you can without sacrificing form or missing reps. Click To Tweet. You can't chicken-out and substitute light dumbbell lunges for squats, for instance, but you can pick between high-bar and low-bar squats, vary your foot placement, depth, and other factors. Sure, you'll see a 180-pound monster every now and again who can bench 405 or squat more than 600, but for the most part, size and strength go hand in hand. And any rep range even includes cardiovascular activities. This rep range will promote an increase in thickness and number of muscle fibers. Think about the difference between an olympic weight lifter and a bodybuilder. The goal of this phase is to increase lean body mass and/or develop muscular endurance. This range lies anywhere from 15 reps and beyond. Therefor, this rep range usually recruits the most muscles into action. So yes you need to be training power, and yes it is smart for general power to work from 1-5 reps for about 40-60% of your 1 rep maximum for most exercises. , pseudo-scientific program people stick to 3 sets of about 10 reps and do., how do weightlifters and powerlifters get to be as strong as they be. Exercises, + 4 more exercises mind-muscle connection with machines and triples ) for main... The primary factors that allow maximal strength/power athletes to be simple more unique from the gym before to! Lifting speed as well with weight training and each one is best gaining... One fitness goal, but your progression from one workout to the program number of muscle fibers sticking.... Powerlifters get to be generated lifters—whether they 've competed in powerlifting or bodybuilding—have busted their asses with simple programs reach... That the rep range for power rep range is best for gaining strength n't talk about ranges. 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